Ombres Chinoises is a non-profit association based in Switzerland. |
You can submit your request and proposal for a partnership with Ombres Chinoises. The associations, organisation, etc. (partners), willing to collaborate with Ombres Chinoises (OC) are informed here about the conditions that regulate the partnership. Primary Criteria 1. The partner must be a non-profit organisation, whose efforts are realized according to the goals of OC, in the field of aid and development of childhood. 2. The partner never has to break the “Convention on the rights of the child" of the United Nations. The partner does not have to belong to a governmental organism. Obligation and rights We want to be clear and transparent toward our benefactors and members. For this reason we ask clarity and transparency from our partners. For a good and tight collaboration, and in order to facilitate the tasks of every engaged organisation, some points should be observed. 1. Before whichever collaboration with OC, the partner has to submit a project according to the guidelines. 2. If the project is accepted, the attributed OC funding must be used to realize the discussed project/s and according to the contract stipulated with OC. Funding can never be used for unforeseen expenses. In case of project modifications, the partner has to inform OC within a short and acceptable delay. 3. A periodic feedback will be given to OC if asked, according to the contract. OC reserves the right to operate unexpected and indiscriminate verifications. OC reserves the right to access to the bookkeeping of the partner in order to better understand how the partner works. In case of fraud or inobservance of the cited points and the stipulated contract with OC, the partner will return the totality of the OC funding that will be used for other projects. To submit your request please fill our form. For more information please contact us. |